Publication Process

Review Process
Any manuscript submitted is initially assessed for suitability of the subject matter and contents for this journal. 
Where the paper is deemed suitable and relevant to any, it is sent to at least 2 experts in that field of study who have years of experience in teaching, research, and paper review.
Both the authors and the reviewers will remain unidentified to each other throughout the review process.

Where the paper falls within the margin of acceptability, we promptly communicate a provisional acceptance to the author(s) whilst the paper is sent to two reviewers. 
In certain cases, manuscripts may be rejected and in other cases, the reviewers may recommend that the paper is sent to the author for correction of minor/major aspects of the work and, can be re-submitted to us after it has been revised by the author(s). 
If the article is accepted, an acceptance letter will be forwarded to the corresponding author, notifying he/she of the date for publication and the author(s) will be informed to pay a publication fee.
The review is expected to take approximately three weeks.
Authors will be notified when the printed versions are ready.
The peer review process is in accordance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Higher Education Funding Council.

All copyrights are retained by the author(s) with the first publication right granted to IJAHEE. Any copyright infringement claims should be addressed to bearing “Copyright Infringement”. A letter will be addressed to the author(s) concerned within seven days.

An Author that submitted a manuscript requesting any ijvocter journals to review and publish the manuscript implies that such author has granted the journal express permission/consent to publish the manuscript without further permission/ consent from the Editor.

Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscripts must officially write to the Editor within one month of submission otherwise such manuscripts will be published at a future date.

Publication Fee
If any article is accepted for publication, the author(s) will pay a publication fee of #20,000 or USD39. The payment method(s) will be notified to the authors by the Editors.

e-Mail Submission
To submit simply click on the appropriate email address from the list below: