Understanding the role of cultural beliefs and practices in shaping parenting styles and child development


  • Dr. Victoria Kaizar Omenebele Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, Dennis Osadebay University, Delta State. Author


Cultural beliefs, Parenting styles, Child outcomes, Cultural variations, Cultural influences


This research article explores the impact of cultural practices and ideas on parental behaviours and child development, emphasizing the importance of understanding cultural settings in fostering healthy child development. It highlights the differences in parenting practices among different racial and cultural groups, and the impact of cultural values on authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and negligent parenting. The study also highlights the effects of different parenting approaches on academic success, socio-emotional development, and cognitive development. Cultural ideas and practices significantly influence child outcomes by influencing parenting behaviours, communication styles, disciplining methods, and the parent-child connection. Historical and sociological influences, such as colonization and cultural movements, also influence cultural parenting norms. Religious, spiritual beliefs and practices also influence cultural parenting norms, while socioeconomic variables, such as money, education, and resource availability, affect cultural parenting attitudes. The study has significant implications for psychologists and guidance counsellors, emphasizing the value of a collaborative approach, cultural competency, and customized treatments when dealing with families from different cultural backgrounds. Professionals are expected to support laws that support diversity and tolerance for cultural differences. Psychologists and guidance counsellors can better assist children's development and wellbeing in various cultural situations by incorporating these implications into their work.







How to Cite

Understanding the role of cultural beliefs and practices in shaping parenting styles and child development. (2023). Propellers Journal of Education, 2(1), 66-78. https://ijvocter.com/pjed/article/view/89

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