Relationship between Moderating Influence of School Variables and Academic Achievement of Agricultural Education Students in Taraba State University, Northern Nigeria


  • Zhirin, Sunday Dept. of Voc. & Technology Edu. Taraba State University, Jalingo Author
  • Zhirin, C.D. Dept. of Home-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture Taraba State University, Jalingo Author
  • Azuaga, C. I. (Ph.D) Dept. of Voc. & Technology Edu. Taraba State University, Jalingo Author
  • Melaiye, O Rufus (Ph.D) Dept. of Voc. & Technology Edu. Taraba State University, Jalingo Author


Moderating Influence, School Variables, Academic Achievement, Agricultural Education Students


The study aimed at identifying relationship between school variables and academic achievement of Agricultural Education Students in Taraba State University, Northern Nigeria. Three research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study was carried out in Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. The population for the study comprised of 46 Agricultural education students from the Taraba State University in Taraba State. There was no sampling technique used for the study because of the manageable size of the population. A 50-skilled item questionnaire tagged: moderating influence of school variables and academic achievement questionnaire (MISVAAQ) was developed by the researchers and used for data collection. Three experts from Taraba State University validated the instrument. For both face and content validity. Cronbach alpha reliability method was used to determine the internal consistence of the instrument. A reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. Forty-six (46) copies of MISVAAQ were administered to Agricultural Education Students (respondents) which were duly completed and retrieved and analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, while Regression and PPMCC were used to test the null hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The study revealed that: the moderating roles of classroom climate show significant influence on student’s academic achievement in soil science in Taraba State University in Northern Nigeria. The result therefore shows that there is significant influence of moderating roles of teacher effectiveness on field dependent student’s academic achievement in soil science in Taraba State University in Northern Nigeria. It was concluded that health services and structures with facilities do not statistically and significantly influence students’ academic achievement in soil science in Taraba State University, Northern Nigeria.







How to Cite

Relationship between Moderating Influence of School Variables and Academic Achievement of Agricultural Education Students in Taraba State University, Northern Nigeria. (2024). International Journal of Agriculture and Home Economics Education, 11(1), 30-41.

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